Epic Evolution

Stygimoloch Adventure Pack Epic Evolution Chaos Theory Jurassic World


Jurassic World Epic Evolution Stygimoloch “This is the Stygimoloch, and it is one of hard-headed dinosaurs. It has an armoured dome crowed by horns. Despite this, it’s social and a relatively docile animal… unless threatened. Then, steer well clear of it. This dinosaur can do a number on its enclosures, and bash its way through

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Diplodocus - Epic Evolution - Jurassic World DNA Scan Code JurassicDNA.com


Jurassic World Epic Evolution Diplodocus “The world-famous author Bram Stoker once said “She has the strength and impregnability of a diplodocus.” and now we can see what he meant.”– Alan Grant Dino Fact File Name Meaning: Double beamed lizard How to say it: duh · plo · duh · kuhs Diet: Herbivorous 🌿​ Height: 5-6

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Pachyrhinosaurus Epic Evolution Jurassic World Chaos Theory


Jurassic World Epic Evolution Pachyrhinosaurus “Trust me. You do not want to get knocked by those knuckleheads. They punch hard and then they will mock you the rest of the day.”— Alan Grant Dino Fact File Name Meaning: Thick-Nosed Lizard How to say it: pack-ee-RINE-oh-sore-us Diet: Herbivorous 🌿 Height: 1.8 meters (5.90 feet) Lenght: 6

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Spinosaurus - Epic Attack - Epic Evolution DNA Scan Code Chaos Theory


Jurassic World Epic Evolution Spinosaurus “Okay, even I have to admit that this next dinosaur is impressive. The Spinosaurus is perhaps the largest of carnivores. Of course, I’ll never get close enough to one to see for myself. But that’s why I have you.”— Cabot Finch Dino Fact File Name Meaning: Spine/Spined/Spiny lizard How to say

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Becklespinax Epic Evolution Jurassic World Chaos Theory


“Everyone knows I have a soft spot for this dinosaur, the Velociraptor. And they get a bad rap, as far as I’m concerned. But if you imprint early enough, you can make real connections with them. Other than Claire, raptors are the most intelligent partners I’ve ever had… and like her, they could kill me

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