Dino Trackers

Mamenchisaurus - Dino-Trackers - Jurassic World Play DNA Scan Code JurassicDNA.com


“ Since hair isn’t preserved in fossils, we can’t rule out the possibility that Dinosaurs were rocking long hair like hippies.“– Alan Grant Mamenchisaurus was a well-known genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period, around 145 to 155 million years ago. It was one of the largest sauropods to have ever

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JurassicDNA Dominion 45

Dimetrodon Epic Attack

“Running into a Dimetrodon in Jurassic Park would have been an interesting experience – and a dangerous one!” – Kenner collector card Despite its resemblance to dinosaurs with its sail-like back, Dimetrodon is actually a primitive synapsid that predates even the earliest dinosaurs, originating in the early Permian period approximately 290 million years ago. The

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JurassicDNA Pterodon Dominion 16


“I still have trouble believing airplanes can fly, so don’t get me started on this Pteranodon. But fly it does. Oh, and it is also known as a ‘toothless wing’. Toothless, huh? Yeah, I’m not buying that either.”— Cabot Finch The Pteranodon is one of the largest known pterosaurs, boastsing an impressive wingspan that can

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