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Jurassic Reading Corner

Because reading is good for your brain… and dinosaurs… what is cooler than dinosaurs?

Search ‘n Smash Truck Get the Scan Code The raptors have always been some of the scariest dinosaurs and they were portrayed like that in the Jurassic movies. However, after the Jurassic World Dominion was released we have a new nightmare creature that wakes us up in the night… the …

The upcoming holidays brought some rare Jurassic World figures on the shelves and as a result, we have added many new additions to our DNA database. Here are the last additions:

It is important to keep the fans busy and to lay out the foundations for the next movie addition to the Jurassic World universe. Universal Pictures and especially the Jurassic universe are famous for their interactive online projects. Before Jurassic World Dominion was released there were number of websites generating …

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