Farlowichnus – Danger Pack

“Our Scientists are magicians you know. They recreated this dinosaur by simply analysing a fossilised footprint. Don’t ask how, don’t ask why.”
Simon Masrani

This is a fun one, I promise. In 2023 a group of archeologists found a new never-seen fossilised footprint and they concluded that this must be a new small theropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous period, somewhere about 135 million years ago.

They were so cocky that they even named this unknown species Farlowichnus meaning Farlow’s track.

Destinctive was the shape of the tracks as they were more water drop shaped. Since tracks of this mysterious dinosaur were found in couple of places around the world it is considered that this was a small theropod that must have thrived in desert like environment.

Due to the lack of any real fossils it is hard to describe or even imagine this dinosaur but it is believed that it must have been somewhere with the size of a Velociraptor or a bit bigger.

How to unlock Farlowichnus in Jurassic World Chaos Theory Collection?

Open up your Jurassic World Play App (previously known as the Jurassic World Facts App), press the Scan button and point it towards the DNA code here:


Farlowichnus Danger Pack Chaos Theory DNA Scan Code
Guiemecia Ochoai Damage Pack Chaos Theory Jurassic World
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