Epic Evolution

Plesiosaurus - Epic Evolution - Jurassic World DNA Scan Code JurassicDNA.com


“Another creature from the ancient oceans. This time, a Plesiosaurus. It has a flat body, an elongated tail, and four powerful flippers that help it glide through the water. Like modern-day sea mammals, it has to come up for air. It basically spends its time surfing and eating – which is, heh, not a bad […]

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Poposaurus - Epic Evolution - Jurassic World DNA Scan Code JurassicDNA.com


“One of the funniest names ever, I swear.“– Alan Grant Poposaurus (“Popo Agie reptile”) is an extinct genus of archosaur, which includes crocodilians and dinosaurs. It belonged to the family Poposauridae and the order Rauisuchia, which were semi-aquatic reptiles that lived during the Late Triassic period, approximately 220 to 201 million years ago. Poposaurus was

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